Friday, February 17, 2012

Watching the news, Smaller Candy Bars, What???

I try not to watch the news too much.  Makes me scared to live in a city, sometimes makes me feel unsafe in my own home.  But man was there some news today.

First was the very sad story of the school bus crash in Chesterfield, NJ.  I usually do not cry during the news but this story has me crying.  11 year old girl died and her 2 sisters are in critical condition, one in a medically induced coma.  She was a triplet.  They all sat in the same seat on the bus everyday.  Breaking my heart.  My thoughts and prayers go out to her parents and to her sisters.  I had an older sister who passed away when I was 7 and I always wonder how life would have been different had she not died.  There also was an 11 year old boy who was critically injured also, praying for him too.  Most of the other students were released from the hospital.   Just sad.  And the back end of the story is "Who is to blame?"  Can we concentrate on the children right now?

Second thing had me going Uh-Oh.  Story on Kohl's marking up prices.  I love me some Kohl's.  Always have great sales and then this story comes along.  Check out link below. Wow.  I bet when you walk through Kohl's tomorrow you will see people peeling off stickers.  The report did say that Kohl's will honor the lower price or apply the discount to the lower price.  And I love Jim Donovan.  His 3 on Your Side stories are always very informative.

Third is that Mars is going to stop selling candy bars that are more than 250 calories.  No more king size candy bars and regular size bars will get smaller  by the year 2013.  What??  Stock up now people.  No just kidding, this is an agreement Mars signed with Mrs. Obama, Partnership for a Healthier America.  At first I was a little annoyed with this story thinking that they are now regulating what we eat.   But now when Bubby asks for a candy bar it won't be as bad, it will be bad but not AS bad.  Bubby is not a big candy eater so this might make saying yes to the candy bar every once in a while easier (of course I will still try to divert to the cut up apples in the cold display).

Then I saw this story coming up.  See link.  Made me chuckle a little.  I think this will be on Monday @ 11:00.  I am setting my DVR right now.  My mom is in her 70's and I don't want to know.  There are certain things in life you should just not have to think about and this is one of them.  At least not now.  This is a Scarlett O'Hara thing, I think about that tomorrow x 8038034038084.

And last but not least, snow on the way.  Yeah!

No, sorry just one more thing.  The Flyers won tonight and hopefully this made my very sick Hubby feel a little better.  Love you Honey!  He must be sleeping the coughing has stopped. : )

Wait, wait!!!  There is a royal couple Barbie edition coming out in April to celebrate William and Kate's first anniversary.   Too much, although it looks pretty good I have to admit except his head looks weird.
Not Bad.  Love the Dress

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Still Sick, but not the flu

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day! Spend it with someone you love or spend it celebrating yourself.  Every kiss begins with Kay.  Or he went to Jared.  I didn't get anything sparkley.  That's OK.  Don't need it.  We were supposed to go out for a nice family Valentine dinner but with both of us sick, it's been postponed.

Sorry I haven't been updating.   I have a wicked sinus infection.  It's been 2 weeks, and now my hubby has it, and here we are sitting on the couch sniffing and  sneezing together on Valentine's Day.  True Love.  Hoping my Bubby doesn't get it.  Bubby has been pretty patient.  I lose my voice at least once a day.   We have been drawing pictures of Superheros and Villians.  Some not too bad.  He is a good boy.  This weather is so crazy that he's been able to get outside and play with friends.  Fresh air!!!

So I am chugging along. I use a neti pot to get rid of my congestion.  My doctor told be to make sure that you use purified or distilled water.  If you use regular tap water you could get some kind of fungus on your brain.  I had no idea.  So please take this advice and do not use tap water.  And make sure you clean the netti pot well.  I've been using alcohol. 
This is the Neti Pot I use.  Found in most pharmacy chains.
I know it looks gross, but when you can't breath, you will try anything.

I also got a skin condition, Impetago.  This is common in children but adults with upper respitory infections and get it too.   I had changed face cleanser and though that was it, I have not been this broken out ever in my life.  So I am using a anti-biotic cream perscribed by the doctor.  I have used it for one day and already they look way better.  Less red, less sore.

Anyone watch the Grammy's?  I loved Adele.  Think she is fabulous. The Foo Fighters put on a great performance.  Love them.  And the whole Niki Minaj thing, I don't know what to say.  All in all a great show. 

Psychologist appointment tomorrow.  I forgot one important thing.  I got denied SSD.  Other Post Concussion Supports are telling me to keep applying.  We shall see.

Let me know how you felt about the Grammys or if you have any advise on Social Security.  That would be awesome.
Also want to offer condolances to the Houston family.  What a great schock.  Another beautiful voice silenced and taken away too soon.  Praying for her poor daughter. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Still feeling pretty crappy from the flu.  Picked my son up from school today and we came home and did some painting.  We made up a story, he was the illustrator and author, I was the "writer".  Literally.  It was called Bubby's Life Story.  Of course the picture he paints of me is Mommy on the Couch.  Where else would I be?  Right?   This is the part I get upset about.  He actually asked me "Mommy are you still sick?"  Yes Bubby I am, sorry.

My husband wants to move out of the city and into a suburb with a great school district.  And because I am out of work with this stupid injury, we can't.  At least not anytime soon.  I feel that I have to force myself to get better.  And I know that is impossible.  Feels like a hopeless situation.  Sorry Dear.

Feeling a bit hopeless and sorry today. 

Does anyone get Twitter?  I am totally lost.  I can't figure out how to find people.  The whole Tweet thing.  Am I just used to Facebook? 

(The cat just arrived to sit on my laptop)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

But I got a flu shot???/Bubby's Swim Meet/Superbowl

Still sick.  Started last Wednesday with a sore throat and still feeling crappy.  I got a flu shot at the beginning of the season because I figured it would be awful to deal with the flu and PCS.  I was in denial, did not want to admit I had the flu.  Wanted to have faith in the flu shot.  Well here I am dealing with both.  Yuck.  Worst luck ever!  Where in the world did I get a strain of the flu not covered by my shot???  My husband said I look so sick, even my curls look sick, all straight.

Bubby's Swim Meet
On a better note, my Bubby had his swim meet on Saturday, this is the big swim meet where all the schools in the city compete.  He did so good.  I am the proudest mommy!!  In his age group they can compete in 2 races, freestyle and backstroke.  Freestyle was first and he shaved 18 seconds off his best time.  The coaches told us that is incredible.  We know nothing about swimming, and were like "OK, great".  And the coach said "No, you don't understand that is incredible, you should pursue this".  He came in last over all, but had the best improved time out of all the other swimmers.  Most improve their time by 2 or 3 seconds.  So, so proud of him.  He was grinning from ear to ear.  His second race was the backstroke and he won that race.  Not sure of time and placement for the backstroke, it takes forever for them to post results.  The coach was pretty sure he won and shaved some time off his best.

I was really feeling crappy going to this race, but I am so glad I pushed myself to be there.  It was loud and I stepped outside to the lobby alot.  And Bubby was happy I was there.  I usually do not go to meets because they are so very loud, a lot of cheering and yelling.  I lost my voice cheering for my Bubby.  How is that for coping?

I am going to get me a shirt like this
I did not watch the entire Superbowl.  I was sleeping off the flu.  I did however wake up in time for the half-time show.  Thoughts???  Here's mine.  I thought Madonna was great.  Except for the boots.  They were really nice boots and all but come on.  Did you really think you could dance on plexi-glass and run up and down stairs in those things?  If she would have worn sensible shoes, yes I am a woman and said sensible shoes, it may have flowed better.  She looked awkward, almost as if she didn't know how to walk in them.  Madonna is a great dancer and she just looked.....awkward. 

I also was happy to see that she appeared to be having fun.  Madonna usually has an agenda of some sort.  Needs to make some kind of statement.  Yesterday she just looked like she was having fun.   That's all we really want from you Madonna, music and fun.  OK and maybe some fashion.  The boots were great.

And who is this chick who flipped everyone off?  I don't even know who she is and why is she giving me the bird?  I guess since Madonna was having fun she had to ruin it.  Did she make a name for herself doing that?  I think not, cause I sure don't know who she is, still.

I didn't really want anyone in particular to win, but was kinda hoping the Pats would win for my uncle.  This will probably be the last Superbowl he sees (hopefully not).  And the dude who got the car, really??  They have to give him a car and send him to Disney??  Here is what I say, give the car to charity cause you probably make a gazillion dollars and have 5 cars at home.  Auction it off for charity.  Personally, I would have taken the Disney trip.  Who wouldn't??

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sick today

Today is a sick day.  Sore throat, some kinda bug.  No idea how I got it. My poor husband had to come home and pick up the Bubby from school.

I wish my hair and lips looked this good when I feel sick

Watching American Idol and this is the first time I saw someone sing Rush for and audition.  No way.  Of course he didn't get the Golden Ticket.  Did he really think that JLo is going to get Rush?  Not.

I also discovered Ali Wentworths Daily Spot.  She is so funny. She used to be my favorite part of Oprah.   She does like this 10 minuted video of world events but it's hysterical.

Watched Jersey Shore tonight. This is another weird show I am addicted too.  I don't know why.  I guess I have to see if they are gonna top the stupidness from the last show.  They usually succeed.  Today they were talking about getting shocked by a hairdryer and these electronics. 

Bubby had library at school today and took my advise and got a book on learning how to draw.  The one he got was how to draw Nickelodeon characters.  He did really well.  We took turns drawing.  Another thing I can do with him.  We had fun and talked about how to draw each picture and shapes.  It was awesome.

That is all for today.  I be better next time around.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cooky Weather

We are having the craziest weather.  It is like spring.  Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer.

This weather was great for my son.  We had a nice day together today, no yelling or me wanting to pull my hair out.  Picked him up from school and he had his after school snack and we played some computer games together.  He loves this one site called  When he asks to play he has to say the whole thing, he never leaves out the www or .com.  If I leave them out I get the hand on the hip "Mom,".  It's a great site, they let them play this game in computer class.  They have letters, math, and some fun learning games all by grade level. 

After computer games we heard his friends playing outside and he wanted to go out.  He had a blast.  He ate all his dinner and dessert!!  And he fell asleep rather quickly tonight.  Even the cat got out for a walk today, on a leash.  She had to go back in though, too many squirrels.  She loved it, loves laying in the sun.  She's fast asleep now too.  Here is a picture of my little girl, Avery.  She is sitting in the exact spot where I hit my head.

I also dyed my hair today.  You know it's time when your 7 year old says "Mommy I can see your grays".

So I am feeling really PCSish right now.  I may have done too much today.  Although so worth the time spent with my Bubby.   Still working on the coping skills.  So far I have come up with Lego's and computer games.  Wednesday is his last swim practice.  We need to find another physical activity for him.  My hubby is looking into karate.  Also softball season is coming up and we got a flyer sent home from school for sign-ups.

Got some good news today about a neighbor.  He has needed a kidney transplant for a long time now, goes to dialysis everyday.  I just found out from our other neighbor that he got the call Saturday night and had the transplant the same night.  So far he is doing well.  Just saw him walking his dog the other day, crazy how life works sometimes. (Really funny to see him walking this dog. The dog is this little fluff ball and he is this big, burly hunting guy walking this little tiny dog.  He is married with 3 daughters and a the dog is a girl.  Such a good man he will do anything for his girls.)  So happy for him and his family.  Huge weight lifted off their shoulders.

Update on Sister-in-Law:  My husband went to see her Monday night.  She was all morphined up and not being a very good patient.  She kept trying to rip out the IV tubes and they had to restrain her.  She would not eat for anybody.  My husband got her to calm down and eat all her dinner.  Morphine on an empty stomach is probably not so good.  Today she started PT and is off the morphine and on another pain med.  Her nurse even called my husband tonight because she wanted to talk to her brother.  That was really kind.  Feeling bad she is out there by herself, but she is doing good.   Again, thank you to everyone praying or sending good thoughts for her.  It's working.