Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Still Sick, but not the flu

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day! Spend it with someone you love or spend it celebrating yourself.  Every kiss begins with Kay.  Or he went to Jared.  I didn't get anything sparkley.  That's OK.  Don't need it.  We were supposed to go out for a nice family Valentine dinner but with both of us sick, it's been postponed.

Sorry I haven't been updating.   I have a wicked sinus infection.  It's been 2 weeks, and now my hubby has it, and here we are sitting on the couch sniffing and  sneezing together on Valentine's Day.  True Love.  Hoping my Bubby doesn't get it.  Bubby has been pretty patient.  I lose my voice at least once a day.   We have been drawing pictures of Superheros and Villians.  Some not too bad.  He is a good boy.  This weather is so crazy that he's been able to get outside and play with friends.  Fresh air!!!

So I am chugging along. I use a neti pot to get rid of my congestion.  My doctor told be to make sure that you use purified or distilled water.  If you use regular tap water you could get some kind of fungus on your brain.  I had no idea.  So please take this advice and do not use tap water.  And make sure you clean the netti pot well.  I've been using alcohol. 
This is the Neti Pot I use.  Found in most pharmacy chains.
I know it looks gross, but when you can't breath, you will try anything.

I also got a skin condition, Impetago.  This is common in children but adults with upper respitory infections and get it too.   I had changed face cleanser and though that was it, I have not been this broken out ever in my life.  So I am using a anti-biotic cream perscribed by the doctor.  I have used it for one day and already they look way better.  Less red, less sore.

Anyone watch the Grammy's?  I loved Adele.  Think she is fabulous. The Foo Fighters put on a great performance.  Love them.  And the whole Niki Minaj thing, I don't know what to say.  All in all a great show. 

Psychologist appointment tomorrow.  I forgot one important thing.  I got denied SSD.  Other Post Concussion Supports are telling me to keep applying.  We shall see.

Let me know how you felt about the Grammys or if you have any advise on Social Security.  That would be awesome.
Also want to offer condolances to the Houston family.  What a great schock.  Another beautiful voice silenced and taken away too soon.  Praying for her poor daughter. 

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