Friday, January 20, 2012

Crazy Needle but not a Needle

I went to my neurologist today for a checkup and went in with a migraine.  My eyes were killing me from the florescent lights and the bright sunshiny day, they were nice enough to turn off the lights in the exam room and I could take off my sunglasses.  As I was talking to her and updating her on my symptoms she offered me this "shot" to relieve my migraine.  As she is explaining it to me I got more and more terrified.  It's like a needle but uses a burst of nitrogen to put the medicine right into your system and works very fast.  It is done on the stomach, it needs some fat to absorb the pressure I guess.  My doctor said she had given it to her husband but administered it in his thigh, not enough fat.  Well let me tell you how bad this hurt!!!  It sounded like she shot me.  I tried to contain myself and not scream, but I let out a little eeek!   It was so worth it.  The medicine worked so fast.  I have pain in my eyes from light sensitivity and a headache, everyday.  I have been pain free most of the day, about 9 hours.  As I am typing this the brightness from the computer is starting to get to me.

I don't know how often you can get the shot.  I think she said something about a script.  I'm not sure if insurance will cover the script.  The needle I got today was covered by the office visit.    I have to admit I did not take the script.  I don't know that I could do that to myself.

So sorry I did not ask more questions.  I think I was in shock from the pain.  I do know the medicine in the "shot" is similar to Maxalt.  It's a rescue medicine.  I have to go back and pick up papers for disability and will try to get more information.

I have headaches everyday, but not too many migraines.  Today was a migraine day.  I would highly recommend this "shot" if you suffer frequently from migraines and you can take the couple minutes of pain.  I would ask your neuro doctor or whomever is treating you migraines.  I put in a link below that I found. 

Hope this helps somebody.


  1. Oh wow, I've had that shot!! It helps!!

    1. It really did help, but I was sore and bruised where the shot went. Still a little sore.
