Monday, January 23, 2012

The Pill Box

My pill box is another thing I hate about my PCS.  I really just started using it not too long ago.  It's a simple one, just labeled with the days as most medicine I only take once a day.  But as I have some memory issues I was forgetting if I took certain pills.  The reason I hate it is, I feel like I fill it up all the time.  I look at and go "Damn I just filled this".  Another week has gone by way too fast and I have nothing to show for it but an empty pill box.  Time is passing by and I am just filling up my pill box.  It makes me realize that this thing is taking up way too much of my life and needs it to go AWAY.  No more pills. 

I hate medicine.  Freaks me out.  Always afraid of drugs interacting with each other.  Whenever the doctor gives me a new medication I always make her check interactions.  I just got a medicine for migraines and it is ibuorofen based.  I am already taking an acetametaphine based pain reliever for my compressed discs and shoulder spur.  And of course she tells me they can be taken together.  Now the ibuprofen medicine is sitting on my counter mocking me everytime I look at.  Like it is saying "Chicken, just do it". 

Whenever I take a new medicine I always get a little panicy.  Like I can feel it going through my veins.  Then I freak and feel like I am going to faint or someting weird like that.  Of course it is just panic and it eventually goes away.  My primary doctor tells me I am one of the people who just really knows their body really well and can feel all the little changes.   This is one of the reasons I never did drugs and the movie Less than Zero.

Am I nuts?  Or do others experience this too??  Ceretain drugs don't freak me out.  Over the counter drugs I can take with no problem, but as soon as it is in that little bottle from the pharmacy.   I can take perscritption strength pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetametaphine, they don't bother me at all.  But when you start giving me extra strengths or different variations of those, that freaks me out.

I'm not crazy.  Really.  Just don't like medicine.  And my pill box.  Only the elderly use pill boxes.


  1. OMG - I had to fill my weekly "pill box" today and it hit me like a ton of bricks, One year ago I was rear ended, while I was at a dead stop, legally - for a red light. The impact was so hard (and yes I was wearing a seatbelt) that my head flew forward and hit the steering wheel. My legs are really short, so I have no choice but to sit so close to the steering wheel. Now, a year later I have lost my job (that I love) and my health benefits (no job no benefits) and I am on LTD which is only 60% of what I use to make. Needless to say, yeah I really think I'm still angry about this (and here I thought I worked through those emotions). My point to this long winded typing is, OMG I can so relate!!! No you are not nuts, yes I experience it too. I feel like a total junkie somedays with all the pills I have to take and yet I still have memory problems, light and sound sensitivity and trouble sleeping. PCS is no picnic for anyone. Thank you for sharing your blog with many and for your insight fulness. Wow can I relate!!

  2. I feel like a junkie too. A lot of meds people look at me and go "wow can I have some". Absolutely not. These help me and I need them. I am also on LTD and getting 60% of pay. Trying real hard with the bills, well my husband is. He has it all worked out on an Excel spreadsheet. He is doing a wonderful job. I can't take care of the money, I don't trust myself.
